Poppenhuis Meubels | Minihomeforyou

Birth list


A personal birth list with name and date of birth, time, height and weight.

We make this list as desired with of course the name and birth details of the child.

What data do we need

– Name
– Date of birth
– Time
– Lenght
– Weight

In addition, you can specify which colors you would like

– Color frame in white or black
– Color background in a solid color or paneling. (color possibilities on photo)
– Color Furniture, shelf and wall compartments.
– Color Name
– Color Bearers of shelf/knobs of dresser and of lamp
– Color changing pad
– Accessory color 1 = The base color of the accessories
– Accessory color 2 = the second color of the accessories

color of birth date and birth tile is black letters with white background. If you want something different please indicate this in the additional information.

Under additional information, please provide the other requirements. For example, if you want a different color lamp etc. Everything can be customized as desired.

The color options for the back are shown in the last 4 photos.

If you don’t have this information yet, no problem. You can simply order the birth list and it will then be made and will be sent when the child is born and the details are known.